Current Projects

Spring 2014 Featured Projects

Spotlight on a Few Stark Projects

Normal Subdivision Work
In mid-summer of 2013 Stark was awarded by Bloomington-Normal developers, several contracts for new subdivision work in Normal. The subdivision work included one phase at The Vineyards, and two phases at the Trails at Sunset. Subdivision work has been slow in Bloomington-Normal, but with recent work at The Grove, Blackstone, The Vineyards, and the Trails at Sunset, it is an indication that the housing market slump is on the rebound. Superintendents: Jim Meyers, Mark Yoder, Greg Gilmore, Steve Stielow, and Lou Huff

Community Cancer Center Ground Breaking for New Addition
The Community Cancer Center began serving McLean County and surrounding communities in 1999 in answer to the needs of the community. Ground breaking began in July 2013 on a 37,000 square foot addition. Stark has completed the underground, dirt work, and the floors for Phase 1 of the expansion. Remaining work for Phase I includes paving the parking lot. Phase II work, slated to begin in June of this year, consists of demolition, re-grading, and pouring the new parking lot. Phase II work is expected to be completed by September 2014. The Community Cancer Center treats more than 220 people every day and expects that number to grow 7% yearly. The Community Cancer Center expansion will mean more privacy and comfort for patients and improved services to McLean County and surrounding communities. Superintendents: Mark Yoder,
Kevin Pribble, Eric Ferguson (foreman), and Sean Funk (foreman)

IL Rt 9 over Mud Creek
Work resumed for IDOT on this $2.28 million dollar bridge replacement project in April. The existing 126′ long, two-span structure carrying IL Rt 9 over Mud Creek in Tazewell County was originally built in 1928. It was upgraded to its current status with precast box beams in 1975. The bridge is being replaced with a 188′ long, three-span steel beam bridge. Stark began construction last September with clearing, earthwork, and pre-grading for the new profile. In early April, Stage I demolition was completed, with the removal of 12 precast deck beams, each weighing approximately 16 tons. Temporary sheet pile was driven along the stage line to protect the open lane of traffic from undermining while excavating for the abutments. Work also began on the two cofferdams that will be used for the new pier construction. The new bridge is scheduled to be completed in October 2014. Superintendents: Kevin Pribble and Michael Westart

Illinois 116 Bridge replacements

IDOT District 3 contracted with Stark Excavating for the approximately $1,900,000 million bridge replacement project on Illinois 116, located in Livingston County. Originally this project was slated to begin in early May 2013, but because of an existing 8″ max operating pressure gas line and a fiber optic line that had to be relocated, the start date of the project was delayed to July 1, 2013. This project consisted of replacing two single-span precast deck beam bridges. A single-span reinforced concrete deck, supported by wide flange beams utilizing staged construction replaced the first bridge. A three-span reinforced concrete slab bridge replaced the second bridge. On the west bridge, Stark poured the parapet wall and completed miscellaneous dirt work and asphalt. On the east bridge, the completed stage 1 included forming and pouring the two piers. Completed stage II work included placing rip rap under the bridges and forming the deck.

Town of Normal Water Mains

Stark began work in May 2013 on the approximately $1,780,000 dollar Town of Normal water main project. This project was a continuation of the Town of Normal’s goal to replace deteriorating water mains throughout the town, and to increase water pressure and quality for its residents. Work consisted of installation of over 6,700 LF of new water main and 50 new water main connections at Linden Street, Beech Street, Mulberry Street, Maple Street, Bakewell Avenue, and Jersey Avenue. Much of the work was centered near schools; Mulberry near ISU, Bakewell near Fairview Elementary School and Maple near Glenn Elementary School. An aggressive schedule was maintained by Stark to complete six-month’s worth of work in four months time to ensure that work was completed before school started in the fall of 2013. This ramped up schedule required four and sometimes five different crews at the same time, and is an example of Stark’s mission to deliver creative and cost effective solutions to exceed stakeholder expectations. Superintendents:
Steve Stielow and Tommy Cecil

The Flats – Next Installments

Stark worked on the third phase of the Flats on Main Street development. Completed work to date included foundation work, site utility work, interior slab-on-grade, second level precast topping slab, and site concrete. The foundations were supported by auger cast piles, which is uncommon in this area, but was necessary due to soil conditions. Stark completed two previous phases of The Flats on Main Street in Normal in 2011 and 2012, both phases consisting of lower level commercial units and apartments on the upper level. The latest phase was also commercial on the main level and apartments above, and is larger than the first two phases. Illinois State University is preparing to demolish the large dormitories across the street from the project, and rather than build dormitories to replace these, ISU is encouraging development to replace some of the existing dormitories. One large challenge on this project was that the building footprint encompassed almost the entire site, leaving little to no room for lay down or staging. Another challenge faced early on was the expedited schedule due to many rounds of plan revisions during the bidding and value engineering process. Superintendents: Mark Yoder, Kevin Pribble, and Mike Gilbert (foreman).

Northtown Road Reconstruction

Stark began work in August 2013 for the Town of Normal on the final phase of the Northtown Road reconstruction project. This nearly $4 million dollar roadway project required widening Northtown Road between Linden Street and Towanda Avenue. The project involved the complete removal and replacement of approximately 6,000 feet of Northtown Road, including the storm sewer, lime modified sub grade, concrete paving, sidewalks, driveways, and a bike trail extension from the Constitution Trail to Towanda Avenue. The initial stage of the project completed in November 2013 encompassed 33% of the overall project. Remaining stages were started in April with completion expected by November 2014. As with any local road projects, Stark crews were challenged with accommodating homeowners and maintaining local traffic while converting an existing rural two lane road to a modern three lane thoroughfare. Clear communication amongst the diverse Stark crews and precise coordination with subcontractors were keys to maintaining a successful project outcome. Superintendent: Jim Meyers

Carle Emergency Department Expansion

Pepper Construction Company awarded Stark the approximately $500,000 contract for the emergency department expansion for the Carle Hospital in Urbana, IL. Stark began work in April 2013 after Carle identified the need for more room for the Level 1 Trauma Center. The expansion will solve the problem of growth exceeding available space, and will add technology. Work completed included the demolition of breezeway, partial removal of site utilities, and installation of the foundation grade beams and columns. In addition, Stark graded and poured slab-ongrade, erected the shoring system for the structural deck, placed rebar and poured the structural deck. Mid-contract, Stark ironworkers erected the large screen wall framing on the rooftop along with a number of welded frames, supports, and columns under the roof and on the front of the new building. All work on this project was being completed within a live hospital setting. The operating rooms, exam rooms, and patient rooms were only one wall away from construction activity. Stark, in striving to exceed expectations, ensured that there was no disruption of the emergency department. Bill Dvork, Pepper Construction Senior Superintendent, stated “There has been a great collaboration with the Stark field team and the other trades to get this project started and to keep it running smoothly through this critical portion of the job”. Project Superintendents: Jason Wissmiller, Greg Bentley, Mark James, and Mark Aberle.