Lincoln Avenue Project – Urbana
Stark was awarded the $2.59 million Lincoln Avenue project improvements in joint venture with the city of Urbana, Champaign County and IDOT. The project stretches 0.99 miles south of Olympian Drive in Urbana Illinois. This project is part of the Champaign/Urbana joint venture road expansion which involved the Olympian Drive extension to Lincoln Avenue, and then Lincoln Avenue south to allow an alternate flow for heavy truck traffic for local distributors in this area.
This job involved 39,855 CY of earth excavation, 22,520 CY topsoil excavating/placement, 2.75 acres of tree clearing, 23,630 CY of import fill needed to elevate the proposed roadway, 24′ wide concrete paving for 0.99 miles with 6′ asphalt shoulders – all of which is on a 12″ lime sub grade. We started moving dirt on February 27, 2017, and laying the 84″ concrete pipe on March 2, 2017 which was put in place in the Saline tributary to allow the road to be constructed across the tributary.
Superintendent, Todd Baker states “We have completed all mass excavation with touch-up of ditches and right-of-way remaining to be completed. The 6.5″ of rainfall the last week of April somewhat slowed us down. Rod Martin and his crew did an excellent job getting into the active tributary as well as getting the double barrel 187′ of 84″ pipe installed in March prior to the heavy rainfall. We had an 11′ on-site cut as our borrow source on site, which was challenging to say the least with all the different soil types that had been buried on site over the past 15 years. We uncovered all types of debris but mostly wet material that took time to process and dry to gain compaction to keep building 8′ fills in the proposed roadway.”
In early September, Todd Baker added “Nearly 90 percent of the 24′ wide paving job is complete and we anticipate our concrete to completed by mid-September. Once our paving is complete, we have subcontractors installing two mile of underdrain, asphalt shoulders and two asphalt connector roads that tie new pavement to the existing county roads for resident access. Our IDOT contract with our allowed working days, gives us until next May 2018 to complete this project. However, if the weather cooperates, this project will be complete by Thanksgiving 2017.”
Project Team: Jason Wissmiller, Todd Baker, Mark Aberle, Lucas Killian, Josh Martin, Anthony Pieper